Theatre Alibi

21 September 2018

The children were treated to a performance of Table Matters by Theatre Alibi which told the story of 3 friends who live together, cook together and share meals together. They are called Nibbles, Starter, Main and Pudding. Four more different people you could not imagine and yet, magically, come dinner time, they work together like pineapple on pizza or chilli in chocolate. As ever, Theatre Alibi provide a wonderful experience for all. Here’s what some of the children and adults thought:

Jake-My favourite part was they showed the presentation because it told the story of his life.
Oliver-I liked how funny it was and the ending because it made me think.
Ella-I liked the funny parts, like when the man didn’t like the fish!
Lily-I liked when they put up the video about Pudding’s life.
Mrs Pearson-It was fantastic! I loved the idea of all the characters being different parts of the meal.