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Welcome To Our New Website!
Woodbury Salterton Church of England Primary School


As a church school, our Christian character is important. We have close links with Holy Trinity Church in Woodbury Salterton and Christian values form the foundations for all aspects of school life.

The school shares in a daily act of Christian Worship, which usually led by a member of the teaching staff. Twice a week we worship in the village Church and occasionally the parish vicar joins us to lead worship.

Children are encouraged to become actively involved in worship and take the lead in our major celebrations.

We promote spirituality through our ethos of respect for others, care for our world and discussing the big questions.

Under the provisions of the Education Reform Act 1988 all parents have a right to withdraw their child from the School’s daily ‘Collective Act of Worship’.
Family Services

These short services, geared especially to children , are held every third Sunday of the month . They start at 9.30 with breakfast – croissants, coffee and squash – and then the actual service lasts 30- 40 mins. Children are encouraged to take part in reading prayers if they wish to do so.

Church Choir

The church choir meets on Wednesday evenings from 6.30 till 7 in church. New members are always welcome including school children from 6 years old and up, particularly when they can cope with reading the words in the hymn book. They do not meet in the school holidays.
Cake Stalls and Knitted Items
The Church and School work together by having cake sales twice each term at 3.30pm. The school also sell knitted items in aid of the Church funds.
New Vicar

In September we welcome our new vicar, Revd. Lewis Eden, and his wife Catherine.

Our church is one of the seven churches in the White Cross Mission Community so it will take some time for Lewis to get to know us all.

He will be licensed by the Bishop on Monday September 23rd in Woodbury Church at 7.30.

Lewis and Catherine were married last April and will make their home in the Vicarage in Woodbury. Lewis has expressed a particular interest in our schools so we look forward to his support. The Mission Community is hoping soon to employ a Family Worker, who it is hoped will also support our schools.


The October Family Service was a celebration of Harvest Thanksgiving  and the first service which Rev. Lewis took in our church.  He talked about planting seeds and after the service children had the opportunity to plant a bulb in a pot of compost to take home and watch grow. Lewis expressed appreciation of the  amazing amount of food given by parents of our small school. This was later taken to the Exmouth Food Bank. 


The new sound system was used for the first time at the Harvest Services -school service and Family Service on Sunday. An appeal went out to the whole village for donations to replace the old, unsatisfactory sound system and the sum of £2,097 was given.

This has paid for three new speakers and two microphones costing £736 leaving a balance of £1,321 in hand for future improvements or extension of the system such as a screen.


Revd Lewis gave Bibles, a gift from the church, to children in the Reception Class at the school harvest service. This now replaces giving bibles to children as they leave the school as it is hoped that young pupils will use them during their time at school.