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Welcome To Our New Website!
Woodbury Salterton Church of England Primary School

School Meals

School Meals “Making tasty, healthy meals for all to enjoy”

Littleham CE Catering provide our school’s dinners each day. They have been given a Silver Award for Food for Life Partnership which involves healthy eating, farm visits, growing veg and cooking in schools. They source quality meat from local butchers, always have seasonal vegetables and all food is freshly prepared. They also cater for special dietary requirements if requested. 

The cost of a school meal is currently £2.70.

Meals must be booked via ParentPay 24 hours in advance.

Free school Meals

If you think you may qualify for free school meals please visit http://www.devon.gov.uk/free_school_meals or call 0845 155 1019 for further information.

Packed Lunches

We ask that packed lunches provide a healthy balanced meal. Fizzy drinks and sweets are not permitted as part of a packed lunch or as a snack. For more information and ideas on packing a healthy lunch follow this link to the NHS Choices web page.

Please note; we are a nut free school. Please do not bring nut products in to school.