
The children in Class Two have been working like beavers today, completely absorbed in their problem solving task in maths. They have tried really hard to explain their thinking and have worked like an otter, looking carefully at their answers and using their results to think carefully about what they need to do next in order to solve the problem. 
Class 2 have been adding and subtracting. Today we used base 10 equipment to help exchange tens into ones. Then we built on these skills and used column subtraction to answer some tricky questions! 
This week,  Class Three have been learning how to use column subtraction in order to solve subtraction calculations and problems.  They have used the part-whole models and the Dienes equipment to highlight the exchanges that are needed.
We have some amazing problem solvers in Class Three! The children have been investigating how to make the largest product using 4 digits and the operation of just one multiplication. The children have been busy making conjectures, investigating them, and changing their ideas in order to make a generalisation. Here is just one page of a maths book which records the child's thinking as they progressed through the investigation.
In support of NSPCC, we raised money by taking part in fun maths activities and by dressing up as Times Tables Rockstars!
Thank you to parents and careers for your generous contributions.
Class 3 had great fun using trial and improvement to tackle a number problem today about aliens and their legs, as part of the NSPCC Number Day.  They worked in pairs, to tackle the problem displaying a growth mindset throughout! A few children, that ran out of time before they solved the problem, have even said that they want to continue it at home in order to find the solution! What great mathematicians! 
I am also pleased to announce that Libby, Elise and Brodie have completed their times tables challenge today and now can recall/quickly deduce times table and division facts to 12 x 12. Well done girls! 
Class 2 have been rockstars today as part of NSPCC number day! We’ve competed in our TTRockstars battle and been very busy investigating multiplication table challenges. As well as spotting patterns in times tables, we have managed to create our own multiplication grids! 
As part of Number Day, Year One used their Maths skills to solve the problem of the missing alien spaceship. They had to solve lots of questions in order to decide who the culprit was.
Reception children had a go at some Maths games on the interactive whiteboard and tried to beat the clock to find the right number for the quantity.
In Maths, the reception children have been learning to find the total of 2 groups.  We used counters and tens frames to represent the amount and carefully count how many altogether.
Class 2 have just started their new topic of measuring:  finding length and perimeter. Today we measured lots of items around the classroom and converted between m, cm and mm. 
This week Year 2 have been learning about shapes in Maths.  We started by identifying shapes and counting sides and vertices. Today we used the Geoboards to make different sorts of rectangles and then compare them to see what was different! 
Reception and Nursery and been learning about adding more this week. They built a train in the outdoor area using loose parts and made tickets to say where they were going. We carefully counted how many children were on the train to start with, how many more got on and then how many we had altogether.
Class 1 held a Maths open hour for parents to come in and share some of the maths learning that has been taking place. The children and parents enjoyed activities to support a range of mathematical concepts such as counting and measurement.