
Class 3 created their own graphic score and tried playing them on the glockenspiels!  
Class Two have been very busy creating their own pieces of music. They have used graphic notation so that anybody can play their tune.  It was a very noisy but productive afternoon!
In Music, Class 2 listened to some different sea shanties as part of our Coastline theme. We started to learn the lyrics and the melody in order to sing along in tune, building on our previous singing by using a wider vocal range. We liked the Wellerman song the most and thought that pirates and sailors sang sea shanties when they were on ships for a long time to keep their spirits up when they had lots of work to do!  
In Music last term, we learned what is meant by ‘pitch’, building on this knowledge, Class 2 have been identifying high, middle and low pitches; showing them by patting our knees, shoulders or heads. Then we listened to our Sea Shanty and identified the pitch changes within it.
We collected objects and listened to the different sounds they could make.
We then formed musical bands to listen to each other's tunes.
Class 2 have progressed from reading graphic scores last week to writing their own this week! We have made earthquake soundscapes as part of our Rocks, Relics and Rumbles theme. We have now learned how to choose a symbol for each instrument and different symbols to show change in tempo, pitch, duration and dynamics. 
In music, Class 1 have been learning about pitch. During continuous provision, the children have decided to make their own instruments. We have been thinking particularly about how we can change the pitch on our instruments such as using thinner or thicker elastic bands as strings for a guitar.
Class Two were so excited to have their first recorder music lesson! We learnt the names for the different parts of the recorder, how to hold it properly and how to stop and start blowing notes by using our tongues. We are looking forward to learning note B next lesson.  
Class 2 really enjoyed their recorder lesson this afternoon! We revisited note B from last week and played some tunes, using the ‘ta’ sound with our tongue to stop notes. Then we moved on to learning note A as well, using our first and second fingers this time. We had a go at playing a song moving between notes A and B, it was tricky! 
Class 2 have been listening to Chariots of Fire (by Greek composer Vangelis) as part of our Ancient Greeks theme. Today we composed our own versions of the song to accompany an Olympic sport. 
We were really lucky to have a 'Music in the Playground' performance by some musicians from Devon Music.  They played us lots of different types of music and explained to us how their instruments make sound.
We really enjoyed listening to them.