
Class 2 have been identifying and describing how human and physical features are formed in our environment, building on their skills from Class 1 where they started to identify these features. 

We discussed which features were physical and why. ‘Technically everything is human because Jesus made everything when he was on Earth’ - Imogen. 
We then discussed the view that ‘Christians believe that dinosaurs aren’t real’ - Florence and ‘stories change over time like Chinese whispers’ - Florence. 
As part of Class Two’s Coastline theme in Geography today, we started to learn how to use compass points to follow and give directions, building on our ‘following directions’ skills from last year. We used Mnemonics to help us remember such as ‘Never Eat Shredded Wheat’ and ‘Naughty Elephants Squirt Water’. It was quite hard and fiddly to use the compasses but we didn’t give up and kept persevering!  
Class 3 have been learning about the different biomes located around the world. They have used atlases to locate them and have researched the climate, fauna and flora found in each of the six main biomes across the world. 
Class 1 have been doing some fieldwork in Geography this week. They went out to collect data about the buildings in our local area. They created tallies of each type of building and then talked about their findings.