
In Science, Class 3 explored the size and scale of the solar system by using different size objects. We researched the size of each planet and found out how far away each one is from Earth. 
In Science, Class 3 have been researching how the Earth rotates around the sun to give us night and day using a torch and a globe to represent the sun and the Earth. We found lots of facts...did you know that the Earth spins at 1000 mph?
Class Two have been investigating forces. They have conducted an experiment to see whether different surfaces affect how far a toy car will travel. They have carefully considered what they will need to keep the same in order for the investigation to be fair. They carefully measured the distance travelled and recorded their results before answering their question.
What exciting scientific investigations we have carried out!
We had our very own iceberg which we observed throughout the course of the day.
We began by placing the iceberg in a shallow dish of water and measured the circumference. We then wrote hypotheses to explain our predictions of what may happen to the ice.
We ensured we carried out a fair test by maintaining a constant temperature, using the same tape measure and the same intervals of time between measurements.
We noticed not only how the iceberg had melted by 16 cm in size, but how the crystal formation changed each half hour.
We really enjoyed this investigation as we have been learning all about the polar regions this term.
Class Two have set up a science experiment called ‘Will it degrade?’ as part of our Coastline Topic. We set up salty water bottles (seawater) and are testing five different materials to see if they degrade at all over 6 weeks. We will shake them everyday to mimic the waves of the sea! We predicted which materials would degrade the most. What do you think? 

This week in Science, we were looking for signs of Autumn. We went to the Glebe Field and had a look at the trees and bushes. We found orange, brown and yellow leaves and lots of blackberries! We talked about how the trees have changed since Summer and how they are now beginning to change colour and fall off the trees.



As part of our Rocks, Relics and Rumbles theme, Class Two have been observing different types of rocks, building on our previous knowledge of identifying rocks. We started off by comparing their appearance and then discussed the different properties of the rocks. Do you know the difference between sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks?
Class 1 have been learning about length and height. Outside, the children were using their measuring skills to measure how far the cars travelled down the guttering.
As part of as Rocks, Relics and Rumbles theme, Class Two have been learning about how fossils are formed.  We learnt about the process of fossilisation and then we had a go at making our own fossils out of salt dough and small dinosaurs! 
In Science, Class 1 have been learning about plants and trees. We began by going up to Forest school and looking at the different types of trees and deciding whether they are Deciduous or Evergreen. Last week, we had a go at measuring some trees and finding out how old they might be. Some children measured using tape measures and some children used string to compare.
This week, we discovered a snail in the outdoor area! The children loved looking at the different parts of the snail and we watched it slither along the plastic lid. Some children were even brave enough to hold the snail!
One of our children enjoys Science so much that she reads the 'Whizz, Pop, Bang!' magazine every month.  She was interested in finding out more about atoms and so wrote in to the magazine.  Her question of 'If everything is made of atoms, then why does everything feel different?' became the Star Letter of the month!
Congratulations for asking such a fantastic question and having it published.