Class letters and home learning grids

11 September 2018

Welcome back! We hope you had a good summer break and are ready for a new term. Class letters are going home tonight, detailing the arrangements and useful information for this academic year. This will also include your child’s home learning grids, outlining the home learning activities which can really support your child’s learning at school. We hope you find them useful; parental engagement in learning can make such a massive difference to your child’s progress.

As a minimum would encourage everyone to:

  • Read daily with your child (10 minutes).
  • Support multiplication tables practice including related division facts.
  • Practice spellings including their meanings and creating word families of related words.
  • Complete at least one activity per week from the home learning grid or a piece of interest to them that may or may not be linked to our learning in school.
As you know, we have an open door policy, so please do come and talk to us if you are worried or have any queries about any aspect of the home learning and/or arrangements for this academic year. Mornings are a little busy, but staff will always see parents/carers after school.